Northamptonshire County Councillor for Sixfields - a Lib Dem campaigner working all year round, not just at election time Learn more
by Jill Hope on 27 September, 2013
The accident occurred at the junction of Rowtree Road and Towcester Road at about….. 8 o’clock. A mother was travelling with her 14-month year-old baby towards Milton Masor, when they collided with a car turning into Rowtree Road. A third car was also involved, though there were no serious injuries.
Jill Hope (Lib Dem County Cllr for Sixfields division which includes part of Hunsbury) said: “This is just one of several accidents at this junction. I have photographs to prove it. I’m furious that I’ve mentioned this in my FOCUS leaflets, only to be repudiated by Tories saying that it’s not a problem. I say that’s rubbish! I campaigned tirelessly for a roundabout at the nearby Ladybridge Drive/Towcester Road junction when I was Councillor for West Hunsbury a few years ago – it took a really serious accident and my photographs to convince the planners that the roundabout was needed – and it’s worked.”
“I’ve also been campaigning for improvements at the Rowtree Road junction, and it’s been in our FOCUS leaflets for the last few years.”
“Unfortunately, money only gets found after someone is seriously injured or killed. The fact that this hasn’t happened is a miracle. It needs the people who know what they’re talking about to take a good look at this junction.”
“Remember there are 1,000 houses due to be built off Rowtree road shortly – a potential for another 2,000 cars to use this junction”.
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